The weather in the UK is unpredictable.

It might be a sunny day in the morning and turn into a storm in the evening.

Therefore, it is of utmost importance to be prepared all the time for adverse environmental conditions.

Thanks to advancements in the field of science, we have weather forecasts. These forecasts warn us in advance of what the weather might look like for the next few days or even weeks!

We would like to share a few tips on how to be ready and protected so that we are able to deal with the forthcoming adverse environmental conditions.

Staff Safety

We need to ensure our care staff and office staff are well protected in these conditions.

Disruption to their health will in turn affect the quality of care they provide.

Here are a few measures for staff safety:

  • Communicating about adverse weather forecast to your staff to warn them is a key step. This ensures all are aware of what might happen in near future.
  • Mass communication through email, text or a social media post is the best way to reach all within a few minutes.
  • Recommend dress and footwear – it is essential to highlight the importance of keeping warm with mufflers, scarves, gloves and coats. Similarly, the use of boots with slip-free soles should be suggested to avoid slips in snow.
  • Provide essential safety equipment e.g shovel, salt and mops should be availble at all office locations to help prevent snow blockage and slipping on wet floors.

Client Safety

Being in the care industry means dealing with vulnerable clients.

Older people might feel colder during winters and snow.

Additionally, their skin might feel dryer than normal.

Therefore, the following measures can be taken to take care of our clients:

  • Make sure clients are warm with proper clothing including gloves, scarves, and sweaters. Additionally, ensuring that the heater of their house is set at a decent temperature is also necessary.
  • Make sure client’s drinks plenty of water to stay hydrated during the winter season. Hot beverages can aid their warmth.
  • If the front of the house is clogged with snow, it might be a nice gesture to salt their snow and mop the floor in order to ensure a clear entrance for other visitors.
  • Our homecare services in Berkshire Hampshire and Surrey offer personalized plans which incorporate different measures to take during adverse climatic conditions.

Referring to the care plans and taking necessary measures outlined in the plan helps to maintain a high quality of home care service.

Office and Home Safety

A safe workplace and home makes employees feel more protected and cared for.

Therefore, at Blue Angel Care, we implement the highest level of safety measures to deal with adverse climatic changes.

Safety measures we have in place include:

  • All home care offices in Berkshire, Hampshire and Surrey are equipped with powerful heaters with adjustable temperature. The staff working at the location control the temperature as they like.
  • Provision of a mop, a shovel, and salt bags handy at all office locations. This allows the staff to ensure a clear entrance and maintain a dry workplace to carry out work smoothly.
  • Provision of basic amenities to make coffee, tea and other drinks at our offices to ensure all staff at warm and healthy. Additionally, we also provide access to a microwave and gas to warm up food.

Following these simple steps can protect you from adverse climate change.

Our home care service in Berkshire, Hampshire and Surrey implement these steps successfully every winter.

This enables us to provide high-quality home care throughout the year.

For more information about us, check our Facebook page.

You can also contact us for a friendly chat!