Whether you’re young or old, Mother’s Day is a chance to celebrate with your mum
and show you care. Here are some fun ideas to get you started – if you try them out,
we’d love to hear how it went!

1. Cook her favourite meal

Food is one of the world’s busiest days for the restaurant industry. But sometimes
there’s no substitute for that personal touch.

Why not surprise your mother with her favourite dish? Whether that’s breakfast in
bed or a surprise lunch, cook something you know she’ll love. Maybe even a
favourite from your childhood or a family recipe that’s been handed down over the

It’s a fantastic way to create a cosy celebration and make your mum feel special and
appreciated for all the meals she cooked you. All for nothing more than the cost of a
few ingredients.

2 Plan a surprise visit

If you live away from your mother, Mother’s Day is the ideal time for a surprise visit.
Book time off work or clear your social schedule: March 27th is reserved!

Particularly after a challenging few years, we’ve all come to realise that the time we
spend together is the most important thing of all. There’s no better gift than your time
– and we’re confident your mum will be overjoyed with an unexpected day together.

3 Take your surprise visit online

It’s not always possible to physically visit your mum on Mother’s Day, but video calls
are a fantastic substitute. It’s a way to get the social experience of a face-to-face day
together, even if you only have an hour or two to spare.

You could even go big and invite your whole family to join a big video call. The only
thing better than one smiling face is an entire screen full!

If your mum might need help with the technical side of things, talk her through it
beforehand or speak to care providers where applicable. We’re always happy to help
our clients get set-up as part of our usual visit.

4 Create a thank you video

Few of us remember to show our appreciation in day-to-day life. But, whether you’re
young or old, we’re sure there’s a lot you can thank your mother for. This Mother’s
Day, why not try a video thank you message as your way of showing gratitude?

You could collect videos from your entire family and collate it into one beautiful
video. You could even watch it together, online or in-person, so you can see her
reaction as it happens. It’s a small gesture with a big, memorable impact.

5 Take some time to catch up

Whether you’re visiting in person or just calling by phone, Mother’s Day is the ideal
time to reconnect with your mum, take a moment out of your busy routine, and see
how things are going.

A cup of tea and good natter is a great way to share what you’ve been up to and, if
your mum is older, check how she’s getting on. We often find that families of our
clients find this is a good time to check in on any care and support that is being

Some useful questions could be:

  1. Is your mum happy with the care giver who is coming to assist her?
  2. Is her medication working or would it be worth reassessing her medication
    with the doctor?
  3. Does your mum have any concerns with her personal care or hygiene?
  4. Would your mum like to try a new activity or hobby which would keep her
    more active?
  5. Is your mum happy with the way the care is delivered to her? Would she
    like anything done differently?

Sometimes, the best gift you can give is your time, attention and care – particularly if
it helps improve care provided every day.

How we help families all year round

If you’re concerned about any of the questions or answers you receive, we can help.
Contact us here if you’d like to have a free, no-obligation assessment of care needs
for your mother.

Our home care services provide high-quality, person-centred care, enabling people
to live independent and happy lives.

We hope you have an amazing Mother’s Day and would like to wish any
mothers reading this a very happy Mother’s Day!

To read more about our work and our clients, check out our homecare.co.uk profile.